1 kg czerwonych buraków
2 marchewki
2 pietruszki
kawałek bulwy selera
4 ząbki czosnku
1 cebula
2 litry bulionu bezglutenowego (3 łyżeczki bulionu bezglutenowego w proszku rozpuszczone w 2 litrach gorącej wody)
2 łyżki masła
sok z jednej cytryny
łyżeczka majeranku
sól i pieprz do smaku
Warzywa obrać. Buraki pokrój w plastry. Cebulę pokrój w ćwiartki a ząbki czosnku na połówki. Gotuj warzywa w bulionie około 30 minut. Dodaj sok z cytryny, przestudź i wstaw do lodówki na całą noc. Następnego dnia wyjmij warzywa, zagotuj barszcz, dodaj masło i majeranek, dopraw do smaku solą i pieprzem.
1 kg of red beet
2 carrots
2 parsley
a piece of celery bulb
4 cloves of garlic
1 onion
2 liters of gluten-free broth (3 teaspoons gluten-free broth powder dissolved in 2 liters of hot water)
2 tablespoons butter
juice of one lemon
1 teaspoon marjoram
salt and pepper to taste
Peel vegetables. Cut beets into slices. Slice the onion into quarters and garlic cloves in half. Cook vegetables in a broth about 30 minutes. Add lemon juice, let cool and put in fridge all night. The next day, remove the vegetables, boil the soup, add the butter and marjoram and season to taste with salt and pepper.
2 carrots
2 parsley
a piece of celery bulb
4 cloves of garlic
1 onion
2 liters of gluten-free broth (3 teaspoons gluten-free broth powder dissolved in 2 liters of hot water)
2 tablespoons butter
juice of one lemon
1 teaspoon marjoram
salt and pepper to taste
Peel vegetables. Cut beets into slices. Slice the onion into quarters and garlic cloves in half. Cook vegetables in a broth about 30 minutes. Add lemon juice, let cool and put in fridge all night. The next day, remove the vegetables, boil the soup, add the butter and marjoram and season to taste with salt and pepper.